Source code for ACHP.Condenser

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from math import pi,log,exp

from .Correlations import f_h_1phase_Tube,ShahCondensation_Average,LMPressureGradientAvg,TwoPhaseDensity,AccelPressureDrop 
from .FinCorrelations import WavyLouveredFins,FinInputs,IsFinsClass, HerringboneFins, PlainFins
from .ACHPTools import ValidateFields

from scipy.optimize import brentq
import CoolProp as CP

class FinVals():
    def __init__(self):
[docs]class CondenserClass(): def __init__(self,**kwargs): #Load the parameters passed in # using the dictionary self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def OutputList(self): """ Return a list of parameters for this component for further output It is a list of tuples, and each tuple is formed of items: [0] Description of value [1] Units of value [2] The value itself """ return [ ('Volumetric flow rate of humid air','m^3/s',self.Fins.Air.Vdot_ha), ('Inlet Dry bulb temp','K',self.Tin_a), ('Inlet Air pressure','Pa',self.Fins.Air.p), ('Inlet Air Relative Humidity','-',self.Fins.Air.RH), ('Tubes per bank','-',self.Fins.Tubes.NTubes_per_bank), ('Number of banks','-',self.Fins.Tubes.Nbank), ('Number circuits','-',self.Fins.Tubes.Ncircuits), ('Length of tube','m',self.Fins.Tubes.Ltube), ('Tube OD','m',self.OD), ('Tube ID','m',self.ID), ('Tube Long. Pitch','m',self.Fins.Tubes.Pl), ('Tube Transverse Pitch','m',self.Fins.Tubes.Pt), ('Fins per inch','1/in',self.Fins.Fins.FPI), ('Fin waviness pd','m',self.Fins.Fins.Pd), ('Fin waviness xf','m',self.Fins.Fins.xf), ('Fin thickness','m',self.Fins.Fins.t), ('Fin Conductivity','W/m-K',self.Fins.Fins.k_fin), ('Fins Type','-',self.FinsType), ('Q Total','W',self.Q), ('Q Superheat','W',self.Q_superheat), ('Q Two-Phase','W',self.Q_2phase), ('Q Subcool','W',self.Q_subcool), ('Inlet Temp','K',self.Tin_r), ('Outlet Temp','K',self.Tout_r), ('Pressure Drop Total','Pa',self.DP_r), ('Pressure Drop Superheat','Pa',self.DP_r_superheat), ('Pressure Drop Two-Phase','Pa',self.DP_r_2phase), ('Pressure Drop Subcool','Pa',self.DP_r_subcool), ('Charge Total','kg',self.Charge), ('Charge Superheat','kg',self.Charge_superheat), ('Charge Two-Phase','kg',self.Charge_2phase), ('Charge Subcool','kg',self.Charge_subcool), ('Mean HTC Superheat','W/m^2-K',self.h_r_superheat), ('Mean HTC Two-phase','W/m^2-K',self.h_r_2phase), ('Mean HTC Subcool','W/m^2-K',self.h_r_subcool), ('Wetted Area Fraction Superheat','-',self.w_superheat), ('Wetted Area Fraction Two-phase','-',self.w_2phase), ('Wetted Area Fraction Subcool','-',self.w_subcool), ('Mean Air HTC','W/m^2-K',self.Fins.h_a), ('Surface Effectiveness','-',self.Fins.eta_a), ('Air-side area (fin+tubes)','m^2',self.Fins.A_a), ('Mass Flow rate of Dry Air','kg/s',self.Fins.mdot_da), ('Mass Flow rate of Humid Air','kg/s',self.Fins.mdot_ha), ('Pressure Drop Air-side','Pa',self.Fins.dP_a), ('Subcooling','K',self.DT_sc) ]
[docs] def Update(self,**kwargs): #Update the parameters passed in # using the dictionary self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def Calculate(self): #Only validate the first time if not hasattr(self,'IsValidated'): self.Fins.Validate() reqFields=[ ('Ref',str,None,None), ('Fins',IsFinsClass,None,None), ('FinsType',str,None,None), ('mdot_r',float,0.00001,20), ('Tin_r',float,200,500), ('psat_r',float,0.01,20000000) ] optFields=['Verbosity','Backend'] ValidateFields(self.__dict__,reqFields,optFields) self.IsValidated=True #AbstractState if hasattr(self,'Backend'): #check if backend is given AS = CP.AbstractState(self.Backend, self.Ref) else: #otherwise, use the defualt backend AS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS', self.Ref) self.AS = AS # Retrieve some parameters from nested structures # for code compactness self.ID=self.Fins.Tubes.ID self.OD=self.Fins.Tubes.OD self.Ltube=self.Fins.Tubes.Ltube self.NTubes_per_bank=self.Fins.Tubes.NTubes_per_bank self.Nbank=self.Fins.Tubes.Nbank self.Ncircuits=self.Fins.Tubes.Ncircuits self.Tin_a=self.Fins.Air.Tdb ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide) AS.update(CP.PQ_INPUTS, self.psat_r, 0.0) self.Tbubble=AS.T() #[K] self.h_l = AS.hmass() #[J/kg] self.cp_satL = AS.cpmass() #[J/kg-K] AS.update(CP.PQ_INPUTS, self.psat_r, 1.0) self.Tdew=AS.T() #[K] self.h_v = AS.hmass() #[J/kg] # Calculate an effective length of circuit if circuits are # not all the same length TotalLength=self.Ltube*self.NTubes_per_bank*self.Nbank self.Lcircuit=TotalLength/self.Ncircuits self.V_r = pi * self.ID**2 / 4.0 * self.Lcircuit * self.Ncircuits self.A_r_wetted = pi * self.ID * self.Ncircuits * self.Lcircuit self.G_r = self.mdot_r/(self.Ncircuits*pi*self.ID**2/4.0) #define known parameters AS.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, self.psat_r, self.Tin_r) self.hin_r=AS.hmass() #[J/kg] self.sin_r=AS.smass() #[J/kg-K] #Definitely have a superheated portion self._Superheat_Forward() #Maybe have a full two-phase section #First try to run with a full two-phase section from quality of 1 to quality of 0 self._TwoPhase_Forward() #If we have already used too much of the HX (max possible sum of w is 1.0) if self.w_2phase+self.w_superheat>1: #There is no subcooled portion, solve for outlet quality brentq(self._TwoPhase_Forward,0.0000001,0.9999999) #Zero out all the subcooled parameters self.Q_subcool=0.0 self.DP_r_subcool=0.0 self.Charge_subcool=0.0 self.w_subcool=0.0 self.h_r_subcool=0.0 self.existsSubcooled=False else: #By definition then we have a subcooled portion, solve for it self.existsSubcooled=True self._Subcool_Forward() #Overall calculations self.Q=self.Q_superheat+self.Q_2phase+self.Q_subcool self.DP_r=self.DP_r_superheat+self.DP_r_2phase+self.DP_r_subcool self.Charge=self.Charge_2phase+self.Charge_subcool+self.Charge_superheat if self.existsSubcooled==True: AS.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, self.psat_r, self.Tout_r) self.hout_r=AS.hmass() #[J/kg] self.sout_r=AS.smass() #[J/kg-K] else: self.Tout_r=self.xout_2phase*self.Tdew+(1-self.xout_2phase)*self.Tbubble AS.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 0.0, self.Tout_r) h_l=AS.hmass() #[J/kg] s_l=AS.smass() #[J/kg-K] AS.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 1.0, self.Tout_r) h_v=AS.hmass() #[J/kg] s_v=AS.smass() #[J/kg-K] self.hout_r= h_l + self.xout_2phase * (h_v - h_l) self.sout_r= s_l + self.xout_2phase * (s_v - s_l) #Use the effective subcooling self.DT_sc=self.DT_sc_2phase #Calculate the mean outlet air temperature [K] self.Tout_a=self.Tin_a-self.Q/(self.Fins.cp_da*self.Fins.mdot_da) self.hmean_r=self.w_2phase*self.h_r_2phase+self.w_superheat*self.h_r_superheat+self.w_subcool*self.h_r_subcool self.UA_r=self.hmean_r*self.A_r_wetted self.UA_a=self.Fins.h_a*self.Fins.A_a*self.Fins.eta_a
def _Superheat_Forward(self): # ********************************************************************** # SUPERHEATED PART # ********************************************************************** #AbstractState AS = self.AS #Dew temperature for constant pressure cooling to saturation Tdew=self.Tdew Tbubble=self.Tbubble # Average fluid temps are used for the calculation of properties # Average temp of refrigerant is average of sat. temp and outlet temp # Secondary fluid is air over the fins self.f_r_superheat, self.h_r_superheat, self.Re_r_superheat=f_h_1phase_Tube(self.mdot_r / self.Ncircuits, self.ID, (Tdew+self.Tin_r)/2.0, self.psat_r, self.AS, "Single"); AS.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, self.psat_r, (Tdew+self.Tin_r)/2) cp_r = AS.cpmass() #[J/kg-K] rho_superheat= AS.rhomass() #[kg/m^3] #Compute Fins Efficiency based on FinsType if self.FinsType == 'WavyLouveredFins': WavyLouveredFins(self.Fins) elif self.FinsType == 'HerringboneFins': HerringboneFins(self.Fins) elif self.FinsType == 'PlainFins': PlainFins(self.Fins) self.mdot_da=self.Fins.mdot_da # Cross-flow in the superheated region. # Using effectiveness-Ntu relationships for cross flow with non-zero Cr. UA_overall = 1 / (1 / (self.Fins.eta_a * self.Fins.h_a * self.Fins.A_a) + 1 / (self.h_r_superheat * self.A_r_wetted) ) epsilon_superheat=(Tdew-self.Tin_r)/(self.Tin_a-self.Tin_r) Ntu=UA_overall/(self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da) if epsilon_superheat>1.0: epsilon_superheat=1.0-1e-12 self.w_superheat=-log(1-epsilon_superheat)*self.mdot_r*cp_r/((1-exp(-Ntu))*self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da) # Positive Q is heat input to the refrigerant, negative Q is heat output from refrigerant. # Heat is removed here from the refrigerant since it is being cooled self.Q_superheat = self.mdot_r * cp_r * (Tdew-self.Tin_r) #Pressure drop calculations for superheated refrigerant v_r=1./rho_superheat #Pressure gradient using Darcy friction factor dpdz_r=-self.f_r_superheat*v_r*self.G_r**2/(2*self.ID) #Pressure gradient self.DP_r_superheat=dpdz_r*self.Lcircuit*self.w_superheat self.Charge_superheat = self.w_superheat * self.V_r * rho_superheat #Latent heat needed for pseudo-quality calc AS.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 0.0, Tbubble) h_l = AS.hmass() #[J/kg] AS.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 1.0, Tdew) h_v = AS.hmass() #[J/kg] h_fg = h_v - h_l #[J/kg] self.xin_r=1.0+cp_r*(self.Tin_r-Tdew)/h_fg def _TwoPhase_Forward(self,xout_r_2phase=0.0): """ xout_r_2phase: quality of refrigerant at end of two-phase portion default value is 0.0 (full two phase region) """ ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide) Tbubble=self.Tbubble Tdew=self.Tdew ## Mean temperature for use in HT relationships Tsat_r=(Tbubble+Tdew)/2 h_l = self.h_l #[J/kg] h_v = self.h_v #[J/kg] h_fg = h_v - h_l #[J/kg] # This block calculates the average refrigerant heat transfer coefficient by # integrating the local heat transfer coefficient between # a quality of 1.0 and the outlet quality self.h_r_2phase=ShahCondensation_Average(xout_r_2phase,1.0,self.AS,self.G_r,self.ID,self.psat_r,Tbubble,Tdew); UA_overall = 1 / (1 / (self.Fins.eta_a * self.Fins.h_a * self.Fins.A_a) + 1 / (self.h_r_2phase * self.A_r_wetted)); self.epsilon_2phase=1-exp(-UA_overall/(self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da)); self.w_2phase=-self.mdot_r*h_fg*(1.0-xout_r_2phase)/(self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da*(self.Tin_a-Tsat_r)*self.epsilon_2phase); #Positive Q is heat input to the refrigerant, negative Q is heat output from refrigerant. #Heat is removed here from the refrigerant since it is condensing self.Q_2phase = self.epsilon_2phase * self.Fins.cp_da* self.mdot_da * self.w_2phase * (self.Tin_a-Tsat_r); self.xout_2phase=xout_r_2phase # Frictional pressure drop component DP_frict=LMPressureGradientAvg(self.xout_2phase,1.0,self.AS,self.G_r,self.ID,Tbubble,Tdew)*self.Lcircuit*self.w_2phase #Accelerational pressure drop component DP_accel=-AccelPressureDrop(self.xout_2phase,1.0,self.AS,self.G_r,Tbubble,Tdew)*self.Lcircuit*self.w_2phase # Total pressure drop is the sum of accelerational and frictional components (neglecting gravitational effects) self.DP_r_2phase=DP_frict+DP_accel rho_average=TwoPhaseDensity(self.AS,self.xout_2phase,1.0,self.Tdew,self.Tbubble,slipModel='Zivi') self.Charge_2phase = rho_average * self.w_2phase * self.V_r if self.Verbosity>7: print('2phase cond resid', self.w_2phase-(1-self.w_superheat)) print('h_r_2phase',self.h_r_2phase) #Calculate an effective pseudo-subcooling based on the equality # cp*DT_sc=-dx*h_fg cp_satL = self.cp_satL #[J/kg-K] self.DT_sc_2phase=-self.xout_2phase*h_fg/(cp_satL) #If the quality is being solved for, the length of the two-phase and subcooled # sections should add to the length of the HX. Return the residual return self.w_2phase-(1-self.w_superheat) def _Subcool_Forward(self): self.w_subcool=1-self.w_2phase-self.w_superheat if self.w_subcool<0: raise ValueError('w_subcool in Condenser cannot be less than zero') #AbstractState AS = self.AS ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide) Tbubble=self.Tbubble # Based on the the construction of the cycle model there is guaranteed to be a # two-phase portion of the heat exchanger A_a_subcool = self.Fins.A_a * self.w_subcool mdot_da_subcool = self.mdot_da * self.w_subcool A_r_subcool = self.A_r_wetted * self.w_subcool # Friction factor and HTC in the refrigerant portions. # Average fluid temps are used for the calculation of properties # Average temp of refrigerant is average of sat. temp and outlet temp # Secondary fluid is air over the fins self.f_r_subcool, self.h_r_subcool, self.Re_r_subcool=f_h_1phase_Tube( self.mdot_r / self.Ncircuits, self.ID, Tbubble-1.0, self.psat_r, self.AS, "Single") AS.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, self.psat_r, Tbubble-1) cp_r = AS.cpmass() #[J/kg-K] # Cross-flow in the subcooled region. R_a=1. / (self.Fins.eta_a * self.Fins.h_a * self.Fins.A_a) R_r=1. / (self.h_r_subcool * self.A_r_wetted) UA_subcool = self.w_subcool / (R_a + R_r) Cmin=min([self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da*self.w_subcool,self.mdot_r*cp_r]) Cmax=max([self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da*self.w_subcool,self.mdot_r*cp_r]) Cr=Cmin/Cmax NTU=UA_subcool/Cmin if(self.mdot_da*self.Fins.cp_da*self.w_subcool>self.mdot_r*cp_r): #Minimum capacitance rate on refrigerant side epsilon_subcool = 1. - exp(-1. / Cr * (1. - exp(-Cr * NTU))) else: #Minimum capacitance rate on air side epsilon_subcool = 1 / Cr * (1 - exp(-Cr * (1 - exp(-NTU)))) # Positive Q is heat input to the refrigerant, negative Q is heat output from refrigerant. # Heat is removed here from the refrigerant since it is condensing self.Q_subcool=-epsilon_subcool*Cmin*(Tbubble-self.Tin_a) self.DT_sc=-self.Q_subcool/(self.mdot_r*cp_r) self.Tout_r=Tbubble-self.DT_sc AS.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, self.psat_r, (Tbubble + self.Tout_r) / 2) rho_subcool=AS.rhomass() #[kg/m^3] self.Charge_subcool = self.w_subcool * self.V_r * rho_subcool #Pressure drop calculations for subcooled refrigerant v_r=1/rho_subcool #Pressure gradient using Darcy friction factor dpdz_r=-self.f_r_subcool*v_r*self.G_r**2/(2*self.ID) #Pressure gradient self.DP_r_subcool=dpdz_r*self.Lcircuit*self.w_subcool
def SampleCondenser(T=41.37): Fins=FinInputs() Fins.Tubes.NTubes_per_bank=41 #number of tubes per bank or row Fins.Tubes.Nbank=1 #number of banks or rows Fins.Tubes.Ncircuits=5 #number of circuits Fins.Tubes.Ltube=2.286 #one tube length Fins.Tubes.OD=0.007 Fins.Tubes.ID=0.0063904 Fins.Tubes.Pl=0.0191 #distance between center of tubes in flow direction Fins.Tubes.Pt=0.0222 #distance between center of tubes orthogonal to flow direction Fins.Fins.FPI=25 #Number of fins per inch Fins.Fins.Pd=0.001 #2* amplitude of wavy fin Fins.Fins.xf=0.001 #1/2 period of fin Fins.Fins.t=0.00011 #Thickness of fin material Fins.Fins.k_fin=237 #Thermal conductivity of fin material Fins.Air.Vdot_ha=1.7934 #rated volumetric flowrate Fins.Air.Tmean=308.15 Fins.Air.Tdb=308.15 #Dry Bulb Temperature Fins.Air.p=101325 #Air pressure in Pa Fins.Air.RH=0.51 #Relative Humidity Fins.Air.RHmean=0.51 Fins.Air.FanPower=160 params={ 'Ref': 'R410A', 'mdot_r': 0.0708, 'Tin_r': T+20+273.15, 'psat_r': 2500076.19, #PropsSI('P','T',T+273.15,'Q',1.0,'R410A') 'Fins': Fins, 'FinsType': 'HerringboneFins', #Choose fin Type: 'WavyLouveredFins' or 'HerringboneFins'or 'PlainFins' 'Verbosity':0, 'Backend':'HEOS' #choose between: 'HEOS','TTSE&HEOS','BICUBIC&HEOS','REFPROP','SRK','PR' } Cond=CondenserClass(**params) Cond.Calculate() return Cond if __name__=='__main__': #This runs if you run this file directly Cond=SampleCondenser(43.3) print(Cond.OutputList()) print('Heat transfer rate in condenser is', Cond.Q,'W') print('Heat transfer rate in condenser (superheat section) is',Cond.Q_superheat,'W') print('Heat transfer rate in condenser (twophase section) is',Cond.Q_2phase,'W') print('Heat transfer rate in condenser (subcooled section) is',Cond.Q_subcool,'W') print('Fraction of circuit length in superheated section is',Cond.w_superheat) print('Fraction of circuit length in twophase section is',Cond.w_2phase) print('Fraction of circuit length in subcooled section is',Cond.w_subcool)